Are Endocrine Disrupting Hormones (EDCs) sabotaging your health?

Are Endocrine Disrupting Hormones (EDCs) sabotaging your health?

Jul 31st 2024

What are they and why are they bad?

Endocrine disruptors (EDCs) can interfere with the body's natural hormone functions, which can have negative effects on both humans and animals. EDCs can impact reproduction, development, and other bodily systems, such as the nervous and immune systems. They can do this by blocking the connection between a hormone and its receptor, directly affecting glands, or mimicking hormones.

Some examples of EDCs include:

  • Phthalates: Used as plasticizers in many products, including cosmetics, fragrances, nail polish, hair spray, and children's toys. Phthalates can also be found in food packaging and medical device tubing.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA): Used in plastics, epoxy resins, and many other consumer products, including food and beverage packaging and adhesives. BPA can leach into food and drinks, or enter the body through the skin.
  • Dioxins: A byproduct of paper bleaching and herbicide production, dioxins can also be released into the air from wildfires and waste burning. Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause cancer, reproductive and developmental problems, and immune system damage.
  • Flame retardants: Found in many household products, including mattresses, upholstered furniture, foam cushions, baby car seats, and electronics. Flame retardants can off-gas and migrate into indoor air and dust, where they can be inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin.

According to this study clear evidence has been found showing how EDCs disrupt our hormones and harm our health. They are linked to male and female reproductive disorders, obesity, diabetes, neurological problems, immune and thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, and hormone-related cancers.

So what can we do?

  1. Look at labels and start reading about what our household and hygiene products contain.
  2. Devise a plan to go EDC free, start with one household category at a time so as not to be so overwhelmed.
  3. Realize that at this time we will never be 100% EDC free but reducing exposure in the areas we are and the products we use will drastically cut our exposure.
  4. All About Neem carries SAFE and EFFECTIVE products to help ease this transition for your family. Registered & Protected