The Neem Queen (2PC) Tea Party Kit: A 30 Day Challenge To Feel Better and Boost Immunity

Was: $25.00
Now: $17.50
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Product Description

The "One Cup A Day" Benefits of Neem Tea
Neem tea starts to benefit your body from the first sip! Here are just a few of the benefits of enjoying a cup of Neem tea each day:

Sipping Neem Queen Tea is the easiest way in the world to BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY and purify your blood of numerous parasites and pathogens.  Do the research!

  • Improves Oral Health - Neem’s anti-bacterial properties infuse with saliva to kill bacteria that create gum disease, throat inflammation and tooth decay. It also naturally freshens your breath!
  • Aids Digestion - Neem’s natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties sooth and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Neem also kills the bacteria that contribute to ulcers and food poisoning.
  • Purifies the Blood - Neem detoxifies the blood by assisting the body to release toxins and pathogens. Follow up your cup of Neem tea with a large class of water to help your body in the cleansing process.
  • Balances Body Chemistry - Neem helps normalize blood sugar levels in diabetics. It also naturally boosts the immune system.

Neem tea naturally provides so many health benefits, promotes well-being & a possibility of Feeling Good!!

The Neem Queen Tea Challenge for Better Health
Are you ready to improve your health a little bit each day? Get ready for the Neem Queen Tea Challenge!

For the next 30 days, drink one 12 oz. cup of Neem tea each morning.

Many Neem tea enthusiasts enjoy their tea without sweetener. Others prefer their hot tea with lemon and honey, or cinnamon and honey to balance the strong taste. You choose which tastes suits you best.

At the end of your 30 day challenge, visit the website, and post a review of your Neem Tea Challenge experience.
All verified reviews will receive a special discount on their next All About Neem purchase! You may also get free products if your review is selected for a future product promotion!

NOTE: Neem is a detoxifier, so for optimum results avoid fluoride toothpaste or fluoridated water during the 30 Day Neem Tea Challenge.

NEEM "The Bitter Tea For Better Health"
Bitter is BETTER!

The "bitter" taste was a clue to ancient healers of the power the plant possessed to help re balance & restore health to the body. These ancient physicians didn't let the taste overwhelm their wisdom as to the amazing health benefits Neem possessed.

To those who sipped Neem tea, it was a confirmation that drinking it would only benefit them! They discovered that a cup a day was all they needed to simply feel better, stay healthier and enjoy a greater sense of overall confidence and well being. For over 3000 years the bitter neem tea was used as a means to improve health on a daily basis.




  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 14th 2019

    The PERFECT remedy for "over doing ones self" including digestive concerns, over eating and hang overs....Neem Queen Tea turns a "Good Time" into a "Great Time"!

  • 5
    Natures wonder tree!

    Posted by Joanie on Oct 14th 2019

    The best for overall good health!

  • 5
    It Doesn't Take 30 Days to FEEL BETTER!

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 10th 2019

    I've been a "neemer" for a while now and love the benefits that Neem gives my body. I recently started on the Neem tea and...I gotta tell is bitter! Knowing a bit about herbal remedies, I understand that something with that strong a flavor has to have a powerful impact on your health. I wasn't disappointed! I totally understand why the herbal healers say "Bitter is Better!" Combining the tea and the capsules has greatly helped me with digestion issues, improved my sleep, reduced my stress level AND I have more energy all through the day!
    I prefer to drink my tea like an iced tea. I put 1 bag in about a gallon of water, add some lemon, stevia for a little sweetness and then sip on my "Neemaide" all through the day. I also take 2 neem capsules daily as I love how it reduces inflammation in my joints. I am not only feeling better, I don't need all the other very expensive supplements I was taking to get healthy and just FEEL BETTER. I am definitely keeping NEEMaide in my daily health routine. Thank you Neem Queen!

  • 5

    Posted by Norman and Kathy Green on August 5th 2019 on Aug 5th 2019

    On Sunday, June 23, 2019, I started the Neem Queens 30 day challenge and my husband started his on Friday, June 28, 2019. So what is the Neem Queens 30 day challenge you ask? It is a commitment to drinking a cup of Neem Tea every morning and taking 1 Neem Leaf capsule 3 times a day for 30 days. I had to hold my nose as I took my first drink of tea, my husband didn't think the taste was a big deal. Our goal was to just feel better. We are both retired and spent much of our days napping, not having much energy, aches, and pains and generally not feeling well. I guess we thought that is what being elderly was all about. Not so! On day five of my challenge as we were assembling new furniture for our deck, I suddenly realized I felt amazing. My energy level was through the roof!. I felt better physically, emotionally and mentally. I had an overall sense of wellbeing. As we both continued we stopped napping all day, we started getting out and enjoying life! We both feel great and are much more active. My weight is down 13lbs! My 30-day challenge ended Monday, July 22, 2019, and my husbands ended Saturday, July 27, 2019. But that's not the end of our story. We are turning the 30-day challenge into a lifetime challenge. We never want to go back to the way we felt before. I would urge everyone to just give it a try. You will be amazed at the results.

  • 5
    I FEEL GOOD.... do dah do dah do dah do..... I KNEW THAT I WOULD NOW ....

    Posted by Queenie on Jul 13th 2019


    I have been making the finest Neem Capsules and Neem Leaf Tea that this world has to offer for over a decade. My capsules and teas are the freshest, greenest, cleanest and so beneficial and I made each and every NEEM QUEEN product for ME and for YOU. Are you ready ..... to take the first step to FEEL just a little bit better each day? If so, give NEEM a chance! It is as simple as sipping a cup of NEEM QUEEN TEA every morning or right before bedtime. Neem Leaf Tea is a great STEP in the FEEL BETTER direction and this choice encourages your body to relax, digest and eliminate your foods therfore .... Neem helps your body feel better. The 30 Day "Neem Queen Challenge" COMBO combines the two things that promote FEELING BETTER, Neem Queen Tea and Neem Leaf Capsules. Let's Walk-In Good Health...together! Registered & Protected