How to repel bugs with Neem and stay protected from mosquitoes

How to repel bugs with Neem and stay protected from mosquitoes

The Neem Queen on Jun 28th 2016

It is Spring and the insect world is coming alive. These pests are starting to take an active interest in your vegetables and fruits or even worse, an active interest in the exposed parts of you and your loved ones’ body. Planet Earth is amazing and it has gifted us one of the most powerful natural products discovered by man, Neem.

Neem is the basis of EPA-approved pesticides that treats up to 200 different kinds of pests. Unlike most toxic pesticides, it doesn’t actually kill anything. Instead, it disrupts an insect’s hormone balance, repelling them from food sources (like your ankle), deterring them from eating (sometimes by blocking their ability to swallow) and interrupting the development of eggs & larva.

That non-toxic mode of action means that it’s one of the safest products on the market today. In fact, it’s called the called the “village pharmacy” in its native India and Ayurvedic medicine holds it in high esteem. Mothers in tropical countries around the world use Neem to treat all kinds of skin problems, including rashes, allergic reactions and even disorders like psoriasis and eczema.

Unlike DEET, the EPA recognizes Neem oil as a safe product and does not even set minimum tolerances for Neem oil residues when it is used as a pesticide on food crops: “The constituents of clarified hydrophobic extract of Neem oil are long-chain fatty acids and glycerides. Long-chain fatty acids and glycerides are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) for use in foods by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

In a separate report, an agency funded through the US Department of Agriculture describes azadirachtin (the compound in Neem believed to be most effective in repelling insects) as “practically non-toxic,” even at the extraordinarily high doses fed to rats in laboratory settings.

How Safe Is DEET?

DEET - based insect repellents work but they may not be as safe as you think. Consider the following quote from the Environmental Protection Agency’s fact sheet on DEET: “As long as consumers follow label directions and take proper precautions, insect repellents containing DEET do not present a health concern. Human exposure is expected to be brief, and long-term exposure is not expected.”

Obviously, they don’t spend much time outdoors. Plus, if you’ve ever had to use DEET after you’ve already gotten a bite, you know how badly it burns. Worse, try to catch a toddler with a bite and spray something that stings – every parent has to do it, but it sure is a miserable job. If you’re like most people concerned about the long-term health of your children, pets and planet, you’ve tried at least one all-natural insect repellent.

Neem oil and Neem leaf extract offer the best alternative to DEET-based insect repellents. Multiple studies from India and elsewhere have shown that Neem applied to the skin repels mosquitoes, gnats, and other flying insects. And there is more: Neem soothes the itching caused by previous bites and promotes the healing of scratches, scrapes, cuts, and insect irritations.

Neem leaf extract in pure ethanol is easily sprayed on the body and provides a low odor and non-intrusive shield against biting insects. Neem oil, when blended with other essential oils, offers a long lasting layer of protection. Savvy outdoor folks keep both on hand, choosing between them as needed. No single other natural ingredient can out perform Neem as an insect repellent.

We here at All About Neem have tested neem leaf extract and blended Neem oil in the most demanding situations Mexico, Florida and lake areas in the Northwest, with no shirts, bathing suits, shorts, and sandals. Mosquitoes simply do not want any part of the taste or odor of Neem. Nothing can be more convenient than keeping a mister of extract or oil blend with you any time you step outside.

Join the millions of people that are looking for safe RELIEF for their pets and even themselves, using non toxic, natural and organic Neem-based solutions. We also provide a range of people products that help you deal with lice, mites, scabies, ringworm and even bedbugs. Take the Neem challenge! This year stop applying potentially dangerous chemicals to your skin.  Try our safe, kidm and pet friendly Neem Buzz Off Bug Repellent.

Let Nature Cleanse, Defend & Protect!

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