​Neem and Blood Sugar: My Journey to Optimal Health

Rachel on Sep 17th 2023

In January 2022, I found myself struggling to keep up with the daily demands of being home with four children: homeschooling the two oldest and keeping up with the younger ones, two under two. I didn’t like the way I felt, looked, or responded to everyday demands. I was sluggish, tired, snappy, and unmotivated. I wanted to do better, not only for myself but for the children!

I have been immersed in Neem culture for about ten years now, and up until this point I’ve always steered clear of the Neem Capsules due to the supposed link between Neem and contraceptive. The Neem Queen never recommends anyone pregnant or breastfeeding to take any type of Neem internally. I have used and seen the amazing results of All About Neem’s neem oil, neem extract, neem cleansing bars and neem creams. I have used all these products over the years. I even grate bars of Body Guard soap and mix with Neem Oil to spray my plants, but that’s a story for a different time! I was excited to be able to start the capsules and see what would happen. I started with one capsule twice a day and continue that on an intermittent schedule.

The very first thing that happened was I went through a detox, a combination of sugar withdrawal, parasite die-off and heavy metals releasing. That week was rough. I had headaches, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and I almost gave up. The Neem Queen reminded me of my reasons for getting through this and I persevered. The worst time was day three, on day four I woke up thinking “I got this!”. The brain fog had lifted, the joint pain was gone, and I felt motivated and refreshed. I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. My body was tired and overweight from two back-to-back pregnancies, and years of not looking after myself, but I had a renewed sense of purpose.

I started learning about how blood sugar affects our weight. Stable blood sugar equals weight loss. So how do we stabilize blood sugar? I started with Neem capsules and then diet changes quickly followed, as I had no desire anymore for sugar, processed breads, or fried foods. These foods did not taste the same anymore, and after the detox no longer had a “hold” on me. I learned that bitter foods and beverages aid digestion and help maintain blood sugar levels, they also reduce sugar cravings as sugar is not as sweet to the person who is acclimated to bitter foods and beverages.

Once the cravings were gone, I realized I had to relearn about healthy eating habits. Throw away that garbage food pyramid we’ve been lied to about all these years, just trash that whole theory. I started following a lifestyle called “Trim Healthy Mama”. They even have a curriculum that I’ve incorporated for my children to also learn healthy habits from the start. 18 months later and I’ve shed about fifty pounds and three dress sizes, plus gained a lot of muscle. It has all started and been maintained by Neem Capsules. My brain fog is gone, my attitude has improved and most importantly my children are learning healthy habits.

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