Neem Trumps Gun Control

Neem Trumps Gun Control

Unknown on Aug 3rd 2016

Neem Trumps Gun Control

Here are some facts that may surprise you given the National Debate over gun ownership in the United States.

  • One in five Americans now die to obesity related deaths. The 2014 Columbia University study goes on to say that obesity deaths is on a sharp increase.
  • Tobacco smoking causes over 480,000 premature deaths each year.
  • Alcohol abuse causes over 88,000 deaths a year.
  • Drug overdoses account for 46,000 deaths a year.
  • Traffic accidents kill over 35,000 people a year.
  • Legal rifles, including semi-automatic hunting rifles, which includes AR-15’s, kill 358 people a year. By the way, “assault rifles” are fully automatic and are illegal in the United States. Our military use them to fight ISIS.

Neem kills 0 people a year. If you don’t know, neem is a tree that grows in tropical regions, especially India, and has been used for thousands of years to kill parasites, lower blood pressure, kill toe fungus, and cleanse the blood. There are actually hundreds of uses of Neem.

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